
US Share CFDs

Trade 110 of the world’s largest and most exciting companies as a CFD on Fusion’s MetaTrader 5 platform. True to our mission of lowering the cost to trade, Fusion is proud to offer a wide range of US share CFDs with no - commissions. Yes, that’s right. A$0 commission.

What are Share CFDs?

Share CFDs allow you to go both long and short in some of the biggest US companies, with A$0 commissions.

Think Tesla is overvalued? Go short and profit from any fall. Keen to buy Apple shares before the next iPhone launch? Go long and benefit from a rising share price plus any dividends. And with up to 20:15:1 leverage, you’ll see your buying power go further for less.

Why Fusion Share CFDs?

us share cfds ico
$0 Commission US Share Trading
Most brokers charge $5-$10 per trade for US Share CFDs. True to our mission, we're charging $0 commissions
us share cfds ico
Go Long and Short
Unlike cash equities, with Share CFDs, you can profit from both rising and falling share prices. This could be a great way to hedge your own stock portfolio should you wish.
us share cfds ico
No Monthly Data Fees or Minimum Account Fees
Live US market data with no monthly account fees or minimums.
us share cfds ico
Trade some of the world’s leading companies
Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook, Microsoft – trade 100+ of the world’s leading and most exciting companies all with low costs.

US Share CFD Products

Company Name Ticker Code Exchange Digits Stop/Level Contract Size Currency Min volume per click Max volume per click Leverage Trading hours (NY Time)


How are Share CFDs different to cash equities?
In a standard share transaction, when buying a share or multiple shares, you will need to have 100% of the value of the shares immediately. Let’s say you want to buy 1 Alphabet (Google) share at $2000 USD. You will need the full $2000 upon entering the trade. In a Share CFD transaction, your margin requirement is 5%20%, meaning you only have a margin requirement of $100 (5%*$2000)$400 (20%*$2000). With a Share CFD, the costs are generally lower and your dollar can go further.
How does it work?
Let's say you wanted to buy shares in Apple Inc. Please see the below example.
Buying Apple Inc Shares
Underlying Price
Our Price
Buy at 133.39
Deal Size
Initial Outlay
$533.56 USD
$(Margin = exposure x 20% margin factor) 133.39 x 20 x 20%
Close Price
Sell at 136.25
Commisson p/share
No Commission
Increase of $2.86 x 20 shares
Now, let's say you wish to sell or go "short" Microsoft shares. Please see the below example.
Selling Microsoft Shares
Underlying Price
Our Price
Sell at 252.38
Deal Size
Initial Outlay
$5047.6 USD
(Margin = exposure x 20% margin factor) 252.38 x 100 x 20%
Close Price
Buy at 250.10
Commisson p/share
No Commission
Increase of $2.28 x 100 shares
What are the commissions on US Share CFDs?
For a limited time, true to our mission of lowering your costs to trade, we've decided to waive all commissions on US Share CFDs.
Are there any other fees?
Each day, depending on whether you are long or short, you will need to pay overnight financing charges. These are updated daily and are available within your MetaTrader 5 platform.
Will I receive any dividends?
Yes, if you are holding shares on the long side, you will receive 70% of any dividends that are owed to you (due to tax). Similarly, if you are shorting (selling) shares, you will be deducted the equivalent dividend.
Why can't I open a position right before an earnings release?
If you see the message that "only position closing is allowed", please ensure you are aware of earnings report releases.

Earnings releases can be high-impact events, and usually take place while the market is closed for trading. To reduce the risk of negative balances occurring during these announcements, some trading instruments may change to close-only ahead of earnings releases, or other changes to margin requirements may occur.

This is only temporary and once earnings reports are released, you will be able to open trades on the instrument as normal.

If your issue is unrelated to earnings reports, please contact support to further investigate your issue.
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